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Flower Arrangements
We provide standard pricing for roses and carnations, but always have a wide variety of additional flowers to work with. Our team can create flower arrangements for any occasion, incorporating desired flowers, colors, and style. Or keep it simple and let the florists work their magic with a designers choice arrangement.
Wrapped Roses
Wrapped Roses Include Greens and a Filler Flower (such as Babies Breath)
1 Rose
3 Roses
6 Roses
12 Roses

Vased Roses
Includes Glass Vase with Greens and Filler Flower
1 Rose
3 Roses
6 Roses
12 Roses
Wrapped Carnations
Includes Greens and Filler Flower (such as Babies Breath)
1 Carnation
3 Carnations
6 Carnations
12 Carnations

Vased Carnations
Includes Glass Vase with Greens and Filler Flower
1 Carnation
3 Carnations
6 Carnations
12 Carnations
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