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Valentine's Day

Celebrate Your Love With Flowers

Call 218-226-9901 To Order Today

Get Flowers for your Loved One

All floral arrangements are subject to change based on availability of flowers, but substitutions made will always be of equal or greater value. Delivery available in Silver Bay and surrounding area. 


Valentine Balloon Bouquet


Two Mylar and three latex balloons, filled with high float for maximum life, on a matching foil weight. (designs may vary, but will be Valentine themed)

Simply Yours


Elegant and simple, 3 red roses with modern greenery in a red bud vase.


Love Potion


Red roses, white spray roses, carnations, and filler flowers and greens in a "Love Potion" mug.

Candy Hearts


A colorful concoction of alstroemeria, mums, and carnations with greens and babies breath in a cute mug.


Citrus Punch


A mix of colorful roses and alstroemeria with hypericum berries and greenery in an iridescent glass jar.

Classic Touch


Red Roses, pink mini carnations, sweet smelling stock, and wax flower in a tall elegant clear glass vase with a variety of fern greenery.


Meant To Be


A unique red ceramic vase with a recessed heart with curled aspidistra leaves, a red and pink rose, pink alstroemeria, and a fun multi-heart pick.


$39 Half Dozen
$69 One Dozen

Red roses, or your pick of rose color on hand, with a classic filler flower and greens in a clear glass vase.


Sending Love

$39 Half Dozen Roses
$69 One Dozen Roses

Red Roses shine through tropical greenery in a red glass vase including a wooden envelope pick that says "With Love".

Sweet Sentiments


Red carnations, white alstroemeria and cremons, playful greens, and red twirly glitter sticks in a red glass geometric vase.


Bright Blooms


Daisies, alstroemeria, spray roses, carnations, a yellow rose, and solidago filler in a pink glass vase.

Darling Daisies


White Daisies, pink spray roses, red roses, and greenery in a white frosted glass vase, with a valentine bow and pick.


Passionate Pink


All pink flowers including lilies, roses, carnations, alstroemeria, and hypericum berries with eucalyptus in a frosted glass vase.

From the Heart


Pink lilies, red roses, white alstroemeria, and red mini carnations with salal and eucalyptus in a glass cube decorated with red and silver hearts.


Never Fading Love


A distressed glass cube vase with flowers fading from light pink, to dark pink, to red.

You Are Loved


"Sweetness" roses that are naturally white with red tipped petals, pink spray roses, white daisies, pink alstroemeria lilies, and eucalyptus in a pink striped vase with "loved" charm.


Treasure Box


Red roses, romantic ranunculus, carnations, and sweet fragrant stock with waxflower and greens in a beautiful wooden box decorated with 2 gold entangled hearts.

Love Always


Red roses, pink carnations, purple mums, sweet smelling stock, and waxflower adorned with eucalyptus in a tall red frosted vase.


Stellar Style


Pink roses and lilies steal the show with other pink, purple, and white complementing flowers in a pink glass vase.



Carefully arranged red roses, merostar lilies, alstroemeria, stock, waxflower, and eucalyptus in a clear glass vase.


Miniature Rose Bush


Miniature red rose bushes in a 4" decorative tin pot.

Tall Blooming Orchid


Double stemmed blooming orchids of various colors in a ceramic pot.


Heart Shaped Orchid


A double stemmed blooming orchid in the shape of a heart in a ceramic pot with a flower pick.

Valentine Nerve Plant


A red nerve plant in a decorative heart tin with a Valentine "Sending Love" pick.

Coral Flowers

Designers Choice


Let our florists shine and create a memorable one-of-a-kind flower arrangement for that special someone.


$12.99 - $34.99

We will have many pre-made floral bouquets to choose from for Valentine's Day.  Come on in to choose something stunning for your loved one!

Flower Bouquets


Include a sweet treat to go with the flowers!


Russell Stover Chocolates

$5.99 - $14.99

A heart shaped box of assorted chocolates from Russell Stover.


Gourmet Truffles


Exquisite gourmet truffles in a heart shaped box from Lindt Chocolates.

Romantic Photoshoot

Send balloons

Add a helium filled love balloon for an extra special touch.

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