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Send her flowers this Mother's Day

Nothing says "I love you Mom" like fresh flowers!

All flower arrangements are subject to similar substitutions depending on flower availability.

Delivering to Silver Bay and surrounding area Monday through Saturday.

Call 218-226-9901 today to pre-order!

Cup of Roses


3 Roses, mini carnations, waxflower, and mixed greens in a tea cup and saucer with a butterfly


Just for Mom


Blue hydrangea, white daisies and stock, pink roses and a gerbera with phlox and greens in a frosted "Mom" cube vase.

Take Flight


Butterflies in flight with orange lilies, yellow daisies and alstroemeria, orange carnations, and blue delphinium with tropical ferns andn greenery.


Sapphire Tones


Naturally blue mums, hydrangeas, rich purple carnations, and green button mums with tropical greenery and a large matching butterfly in a frosted eucalyptus colored vase.

English Garden


Hydrangea, phlox, daisies, carnations and more in a wide white decorative floral vase.


Purple paradise


Chrysanthemums, daisies, stock, and larkspur with eucalyptus in a sleek hammer jar.

Lavender Love


Daisies, Alstroemeria lilies, lavender roses, carnations, stock, and asters with greens in a lavender cylinder vase with a butterfly pick.


A Mothers Love


Peach roses, with pink and purple carnations, mums, and alstroemeria with berries, eucalyptus, and a Mother's Day pick in a pink bubble cylinder glass vase.

Modern Mom


Eucalyptus, lisianthus, daisies, carnations, alstroemeria, a rose, and liatris in a chic colored hammer jar.


Morning Sunshine


Roses, lilies, alstroemeria, carnations, and Mardi gras daisies with eucalyptus in a colored glass vase.

Mom, You Are Loved


Roses, lisianthus, alstroemeria, mums, and hypericum berries with eucalyptus in a pink ceramic vase with "loved" token.


Forest Flowers


A bold mix of purple hydrangea, roses, larkspur, and liatris, a pink snapdragon and alstroemeria, with bright green mums, woodsy greens, and a large butterfly.

Wild Meadow


Bright and cheerful yellow daisies and red gerberas, spray roses, carnations, snapdragons, and berries with woodsy greens and a bird pick.


Grace and Beauty


Voluptuous garden roses, sweet smelling stock, carnations, alstroemeria, hydrangea, and Mardi gras daisies with greenery in an elegant frosted glass vase. 

Designers Choice


Does your mother have a favorite flower or color?
Let us create a one of a kind flower arrangement that she will never forget!

Florist Arranging Flowers

Orchid Plant


Petite living orchids with stunning blooms in modern clay pots. Colors may vary.

Blooming Hydrangea Plant


Blooming Hydrangea Plant with a decorative paper pot cover. Colors may vary.

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